Shepard’s Hands Ministry

Shepherd’s Hand Ministry is an LifePoint Church outreach that supports those in need of support at home, long-term care facility, hospital and hospice. If you would like to participate in this special ministry by offering personal and spiritual support through visitation, telephone and digital media communications, contact:
Angela Guthrie 252-424-4631 or Susan Rhodes at 252-241-7447

The Book of Revelation Made Simple to Understand

The apostle John wrote the book of Revelation around the year AD 95 from his exile on the island of Patmos. He addressed his work to seven Asian churches—Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
Video URL:

Life Groups

- Roy Glover – Monday nights @ 6:30 pm
- Pastor Ray – Wednesday nights @ 6:30 pm
- Ginny Conner – Wednesday nights @ 6:30 pm
- Ben Nall – Thursday nights @ 6:30 pm

Hurricane Florence Cancellations

- All Life Groups scheduled for this week.
- Thursday, September 13th, SMART Recovery at Peer Recovery Center
- Thursday, September 13th, Grief Share
- Sunday, September 16th, Worship Service.
- Sunday, September 16th, Iron Men movie night has been reschedule for Sunday, September 23rd.
- Sunday, September 16th, Youth Group

Sermon Series Happiness is a Choice

Bogue Banks Baptist Church to Host Parenting Expert John Rosemond Bogue Banks Baptist Church in Atlantic Beach brings to the community nationally known author, syndicated columnist, and family psychologist John Rosemond on October 14, 2018. Rosemond is known for his sound advice and relaxed style and is one of America’s busiest and most popular public speakers. Rosemond will be speaking on “Parenting with Love and Leadership” on Sunday, October 14 from 2-5:30pm at Bogue Banks Baptist Church, 1417 W. Ft. Macon Road, Atlantic Beach. “Parenting with Love and Leadership” is a humorous, yet thought-provoking seminar, where family psychologist Rosemond describes the contemporary parenting conundrum in clear, compelling terms and then describes a practical, tested solution using what children need adults to provide to them: Love and Leadership. Using compelling real-life anecdote, Rosemond teaches parents how to motivate maximum child compliance, no matter the setting, through the proper use of what he calls “leadership speech.” And when consequences are necessary, Rosemond teaches creative approaches that get the job done! Rosemond has authored over 18 books on parenting, family life, and faith, including his recently released “Getting to Heaven.” He has been writing a nationally syndicated parenting column for over 35 years that appears in over 200 newspapers. Some of Rosemond’s books include: “Because I Said So!”, “A Family of Value,” and the “Six Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children.” Rosemond’s common-sensical advice has gained much credibility with today’s parents who are sick of techniques and methods that don’t work. Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Burns are grateful to Bogue Banks Baptist Church for hosting Mr. Rosemond. “We felt called to offer this event because we know God’s childrearing principles are best for parents and children. Our hope is that this seminar will equip and encourage parents and grandparents.”

SMART Recovery

and actions while working towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life. SMART teaches the use of tools to stop alcohol and drug abuse, or to manage or stop activities that have become compulsive, such as smoking, overeating, gambling, sexual behavior
and internet use.
SMART Recovery®
7304 Mentor Avenue, Suite F
Mentor, OH USA 44060
Toll free: 866.951.5357
Tel: 440.951.5357
Fax: 440.951.5358

Summer Surge 2018

Wednesday nights at 6:30pm June 20 through August 29 at Life Point church. Read more…

Grief Share

Grief Share meets every Thursday 6:00 pm at the church.
A support group to help people manage their loss and grief.

Right Now Media

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